Empowerment through grounding and connecting




Breath deep my brothers
Feel deeper my brothers
For we are but mortal man
Made with love by immortal hand

Breathe deep my brothers
feel life my brothers
For the truth of who we are
Is never that far
Before birth ,we are a spirit, created
By mother and father
God and goddess
Made sacred
then given form
A life, a story to live
An experience to be shared
with anyone you meet
What a gift they give
All beings of creation
Share this truth
Every tribe, every nation
Every bird, fish or tree,every animal
You, us, them ,or me

Every man, women and child to be
Deserve to understand, that they are free
Every piece of that creation
Remember remember
For the understanding of this
We hold, witness, pass on
To the next generation

Breathe deep my brothers
Feel safe my brothers
Rejoice for we survived
Remember remember
We are alive
All that has been brought to us to keep us down
From this We will learn
not keep but cast aside, lay to ground

Breathe deep my brothers
Feel free my brothers
we are built strong to protect
With love and respect
Our responsibility make us free men
Loved, nurtured honored  supported once again


Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.